In a child's first year, parents get 59% less sleep than what's recommended for adults – the same as losing two to three months of shut-eye. And before parenthood even fully begins, pregnant moms struggle with a range of bodily changes and challenging side effects. Parenthood and first-time motherhood are known to be synonymous with a difficult life shift – but they don't have to be.
In this bundle, you'll discover:
And much, much more...
Even if you feel completely overwhelmed and you haven't caught a wink of sleep in weeks, the extensive research behind this guide will help you develop a strong understanding to your baby's needs, how to nurture a healthy newborn with a happy mom, and the crucial steps towards a more restful household overall.
If you want to access these advanced parenting tools and ensure a significantly less stressful day-to-day routine, then you should start this book!